'Atlantis Rising':
The Awakening of an American Artist
By John William Brown - September, 2002
"What we have all been witnessing as of late is the final quantum leap for the restoration of full human consciousness on planet Earth."
"Atlantis Rising" is a true experiential story. It is documented and constructed around the written journals of an Artist from 1996 through the turn of the new millenium. Due to spontaneous, synchronistic, and intuitive interaction, certain circumstances resulted in a spiritual pilgrimage across the United States. America, the great melting pot of the free world, is considered by the artist/author to be the land in which great transformations will soon occur that will change the world in which we know it today.
"Atlantis Rising; The Awakening of an American Artist" are the journals of this journey. Over time, documenting a personal transformation that reflects a quantum leap of human consciousness itself at the dawning of a new age.
The world now stands on the brink of a major transformation. A challenge to this transformation has been recently demonstrated by the last desperate acts of 'Annunaki-bred' Illuminati pawns to achieve their long sought after 'New World Order' agenda and total world-governed dictatorship. 9/11, The War on Terror, global financial crisis, are but of the many 'prophetic' avenues that have been created 'by design' in order to deceive the world into accepting a world government manipulated and implemented by the global elite.
Evil can never be eradicated. It can only be transmuted. This is our role to fulfill for human evolution
This story tells of how a new 'energy matrix' is now rising, exposing, and challenging a world polarized by a web of illusion. A net that was woven by relatively few sources that manipulated power and secret knowledge in order to separate, deceive, and dominate the human race.
Through a newly activated 'Light Grid Energy Matrix', humankind now has the ability to transcend this veiled net of deception and create a collective shift in consciousness resulting in a global awakening instead of global enslavement.
What we have all been witnessing as of late is the final quantum leap for the restoration of full human consciousness on planet Earth. A decree that all tyranny, all acts of domination, slavery, and destructive thought form control over human beings MUST NOW CEASE!
This story is not about new age or religious rhetoric. It is based in spiritual-science, meta-science. The trumpet warnings have all been sounded. This is is now....and we all must make a choice.
A Message from the artist;
"The following account is chronologically documented through my awakening experience. It is my story. Some names have been changed or omitted for the sake of anonymity. Although the results may never be proven through current "status quo" scientific methods, may history reveal a time in evolution in which humanity stood at a threshold and embraced a total shift in awareness. A 'Great Shift of the Ages' that resulted in a brave new paradigm of life on earth.
Part One, 'The Initiation' of 'Atlantis Rising; The Awakening of an American Artist' was first released as a paperback in 2005. It deals with roughly the first hundred days in 1997 that began travels across America ending in 2000. After my return, and a couple years of living in a N.H. motel processing the journey and editing the journals, I moved to Newburyport, MA, and began a new business , Spirit of, and thus, a new life in 2004.
Now, after fifteen years, the full story is available in E-BOOK rendition. Part Two picks up where Part One leaves off and continues on with documented emails, journals and transcripts of the rest of the journey that culminates in 2001 with the events of 9/11.
After twenty two years, the whole story is being shown. Believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. All one has to do is take a look around, its all happening, and is no longer hidden in plain sight. It is a self evident reality in which we all must now face, whether you are ready or not, its time to make a choice.
In the words of "meta-scientist" and author Paul Von Ward, "The current works of various frontier scientist and grounded meta physicians are now confirming the validity of these concepts, we can now begin to test them and determine their application to all dimensions of our universe"....
A new 'human in the cosmos' myth is now being created. The new 'Light Energy Grid Matrix' is an instrument of peace, cooperation and love. It is not to be used to manipulate a new world order, but to create a whole new world,..... the new "Heaven on Earth".
For Only $11.11 !!
Atlantis Rising;
Awakening of an American Artist
Preface;The SunSpirit Story
Part One"The Initiation"
Part Two;"Activation"
Part Three; "Return of the White Dove"