Draft 050508
Preservation and Development Proposal
‘Cushing Wharf Marina Village’
Phase 1 - Historic Marine District
1. Establish an historical marine district consisting of the following properties;
a. 45, 49, 51, 55, 61, and 65 Water Street
b. Custom House
c. Lighthouses (Newburyport Front and Rear Range)
d. Coast Guard Station
e. Cushing Wharf (Newburyport Harbor Marina)
2. Connect to main waterfront boardwalk linking all registered marine related historical landmarks from the Custom House to the Coast Guard Station, creating the Cushing Wharf Marina Village. The village would then feature paid public access with guided tours of;
A. Custom House Museum.
B. Clipper Ship (i.e. Coast Guard, Friendship, Mary L. Cushing replica) to be seasonally docked at a Cushing Wharf dedication.
C. Restored Range Lighthouses (including beacons), both Front and Rear.
D. Restored Counting House and Sail Lofts at 51 and 49 Water Street creating;
E. Cushing Wharf Museum, dedicated to the preservation and educational interactions of the Cushing Wharf Marina and its contribution to the Cushing House Museum and the Historical Society of Newbury.
3. Creation of a SELF SUSTAINABLE Art and Anthropology District within the Marina Village to serve as a co-creative, living, interactive, exhibitive and educational center, dedicated to the historic and present contributions of Newburyport and America.
I ______________________, of ________________________
Do hereby support the initial drafting of the ‘Cushing Wharf Marina Village’ proposal and call upon all private and public entities for further evaluation
and implementation. ____ (Check) Please send additional information and updates.
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