Newburyport: An American Perspective
Update; August 22, 2018
This original presentation was in 2006.
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Newburyport; An American Perspective
‘A Contemporary Concourse - Where the Old Meets the New’
Collectable Stamp Made in the U.S.A.
‘Newburyport: An American Perspective’ is an evolving, multi faceted contemporary art and social exhibit developed by local visionary artist Jon-William Brown. It is aimed at incorporating a photographic and literary retrospective depicting Newburyport’s historical role and significant contributions to the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. It is also intended as a progressive, socially conscious blueprint, designed to serve as a model in establishing a new modern day sustainable community paradigm based on fundamental personal, educational, trade, and community values that originally sculpted small town America. This multi-dimensional show consists of an Art and Photography Exhibit, Pictorial and Literary Compilations, Special Historical Slide Show by Ted Kyrios, and Speaking Presentations hosted by Jon-William (Group Dynamics and Fluid Management) on Personal Transformation and Health, Child and Adult Education, 'Sustainable Business' and 'Corporate Transformation', and featured discussions on 'Cultural Creative', Sustainable Community Development. This exhibit is currently being presented throughout Newburyport over the next two months, eventually collaborating with the Yankee City Theater Project, 'Newburyport; 1956-2006; Searching for the Soul of the City', for presentations on May 25-28th at the Firehouse Center for the Arts. .
Current Photography - Art Exhibit
March 11, 2006 – April 30, 2006
25 Middle Street, Newburyport, MA
Next Open Art Reception – Stella's of Middle Street - Complimentary Desserts
Sunday April 9, 2006 – 2-4 PM
Slide Show/Speaker Presentatis,
Firehouse Center for the Arts Auditorium - Saturday, May 27, 2006 4-7 PM
Newburyport: An American Perspective
‘A Contemporary Concourse - Where the Old Meets the New’
Contact: Jon-William Brown - Tel. 978-417-1987
Email: -Musical Presentation by Michael Whalen -"Forever Wild", a 'Celebration for the Preservation of America'.
‘ Newburyport: An American Perspective ' is a multi faceted contemporary art and social exhibit developed by local visionary artist Jon-William Brown. It is aimed at incorporating a photographic and literary retrospective depicting Newburyport’s historical role and significant contributions to the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. It is also intended as a progressive, socially conscious blueprint, designed to serve as a model in establishing a new modern day community paradigm, integrating personal, educational, business, and social transformations and 'Culturally Creative Sustainable Community Development'. This multi-dimensional show consists of an Art and Photography Exhibit, Pictorial and Literary Compilation from Newburyport Residents, Special Historical Newburyport Slide Show, and Speaking Presentations.
The exhibit began with Jon-William’s contemporary photographic Giclee series consisting of architectural, residential, and commercial settings of modern day Newburyport. He then introduce his latest collection of digitally restored photographs originally taken by local historian Theodore Kyrios, also of the same settings during the 1970’s restoration project. These images are printed as color, black and white, and sepia toned Giclee’s as well. A retrospect of a transformed community, bogged down by high unemployment and social distress, to the modern day ‘Mecca’ of business and cultural interaction that remains today. Jon-William , Theodore Kyrios, Alex Adrian and other associates of the Newburport project will be present at the next Open Art Reception onSunday, April 9, 2006 at 2-4 PM at Stella's of Midle Street to introduce this collective series of work and talk more about the history, techniques and applications behind this collection, as well as the collaboration on the Yankee City Theater Project in May.
‘Newburyport: An American Perspective ’ also seeks to serve as a social message and sounding board by incorporating a literal compilation of personal stories and editorials by Newburyport residents and their varied viewpoints submitted in e-mail, editorial and letter form. Jon-William plans to publish results of pictures, stories, interviews, and documentations of this exhibit in a book with the name of the exhibit. It is an attempt to embrace and preserve some of the town’s most cherished memoirs, greatest accomplishments and contributions to American values, as well as a perspective of the current state of the town and union. It is the artist’s way of bringing about a collective social message both positive and negative, with the intent to remember who we are, where we came from, and where we are going. It is also intended to confront some of the most current and pressing issues facing our country today such as personal disempowerment, rampant development and globalization, social unconsciousness, political and corporate corruption, corporate outsourcing, and continued degradation of civil liberties in exchange for security, that may all be contributing factors to the so-called ‘decline of American values’.
The multi-dimensionality of this exhibit began on ‘opening day’ with a Photographic Slide Show and Speaker Presentation segment at the Newburyport Library on Saturday afternoon, February 25, 2006. Here, Ted Kyrios, who is now a retired teacher of American History in Newburyport, continued his contributions to the show by offering a historical photographic slide show, taking the viewer on a journey through American History, highlighting some of Newburyport’s most significant contributions to historical and modern day society.
The presentation continued by incorporating public speakers to present their seminar workshops aimed at integrating personal, educational, business, and sustainable community transformation. Jon-William hosted the presentation with a demonstration on group dynamics and fluid management. Local business ownerAmy Bacheller, of HEAVEN in Newburyport, spoke on Personal Transformation, and Health. Local educator Manny Muros of the ‘ Yoga Center of Newburyport ’, spoke on Child and Adult Education. Local speaker, musician, and seminar facilitator Alex Adrian on ‘Sustainable Business and Corporate Transformation’.
The presentation concluded with a discussion on ‘Culturally Creative, Sustainable Community Development’ based on “models of human spirituality manifesting in eco-communities, merging the environmental, economic, and social elements of humanity into a sustainable community development”.
The presentations will continue throughout the city over the months to come with specific dates and places to be announced shortly.”
‘ Newburyport: An American Perspective ’ is a contemporary concourse designed to serve as a model for establishing a new modern day paradigm in personal and community development. It is an expression of the current state of the American Dream, a dream that the artist feels was once the pride and aspiration of all Americans and the envy of the rest of the world. It is a social call for a community movement, to once again answer the call as wayfarer’s, and lead a restoration of the American Dream through personal and community empowerment, at a time in which world events threaten to destroy the very fiber of the American way of life as we know it.
Come join us in a celebratory event of the enduring American spirit that can spark a social consciousness that has the potential to reek across our nation once again,
……………………………… that of burning teas.
“Pause O Restless Passerby – Hear Ye The Lively Stir of Trade
Whilest Echoes Of Freedom’s Fury – Rise Above The Reek of Burning Tea
Mingling With The Brisk Breezes Off the Sea” – Market Square Monument
Please submit e-mail, editorials, poetry, and letters for the
'Newburyport: An American Perspective' publishing
John William Brown
Newburyport, Ma 01950